Global Health Advocacy - Learning from NTDs patient stories (2024-)
(Neglected Tropical Diseases) are a group of more than 20 diseases that affect about 1.6 billion around the world,
mostly those living with insufficient hygiene
and scarce resources. The parasites disfigure their arms or legs, irritate their
skin, and some cause blindness, making economic and social activity extremely
difficult and trapping them in the cycle of poverty.
World Story advocates the voices of people who endure NTDs to raise awareness about the importance of prevention and treatments to eliminate diseases, which is also essential for Universal Health Coverage.
This project is conducted in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and greatly supported by the Open Philanthropy Action Fund.
Better World Storyは、NTDsに苦しむ人々の声を広め、予防や治療の重要性についての認識を高める活動を行っています。この取り組みは病気の撲滅を目指すだけでなく、ユニバーサル・ヘルス・カバレッジ(UHC)実現にも欠かせないものです。本プロジェクトは、ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団と提携して実施され、Open Philanthropy Action Fundの大きな支援を受けています。